Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome Welcome Everyone.

Welcome to our new blog, we hope you all will enjoy it here and participate in the many activities we have planned. This blog started out of friendship and we want that to be a big part of your experience here. We hope it will feel warm and inviting to you as if we are all together in one big kitchen cooking, laughing and having a good time.

The founders of 3 Moms and a Kitchen have been good friends for almost 5 yrs now. We met while pregnant or shortly after giving birth in March 2006. We all were part of a small, closely knit group of mommies who had babies in March of that year. From that 1 common bond our friendships grew and flourished. As we became closer and closer we began sharing other experience in our daily lives beyond what our then babies/toddlers, and now preschoolers were up to, or into depending on the day. We started a reoccurring "Whats For Dinner Thread" that naturally turned into a recipe swap thread as we read the scrumptious meal ideas from the other mommy's.

Life continued, many of us went on to have second-sometimes 3rd and 4th-babies. Our cooking skills improved and grew from our little recipe swaps and VOILA the blog was born. Tanya had the idea first, Jess and I just jumped on the band wagon, so I guess you could say she is the "brains" of the operation. There are many more March Mommies we will be featuring and highlighting to guest blog and share great recipes and cooking ideas. From there we will branch out with others, maybe you can guest blog for us too. If you have a great idea please feel free to share it.

While our main focus and purpose is food, as with most mommy friendships we will be expanding and writing topics that span the entire journey of mommyhood. We will share great tips we have learned from each other on many other topics such as cleaning, discipline, education, health, safety and over all well being-oh and I am sure a "few" on how to remain SANE as a mommy. Again we will welcome any and all guest bloggers in these areas. We even hope to uncover some of the forgotten mysteries of cooking and cleaning that many of our mothers and grandmothers knew but never shared with us, most likely because we never asked. If its about being a mom, we will cover it at some point I can promise.

We encourage you all to come back and visit often. Life often gets in the way but we are going to try to keep this a fun and active blog. We have so many great ideas planned in the up coming weeks and months. We are going to do some challenges where we will pick one fun recipe and challenge you all to make it that week and review your results. We plan to share these results in blog carnivals(is that right Jess, is that what they are called? haha). We will have some fun contests coming up soon with REAL prizes that you can win. Many of these prizes will be made by our very talented Tanya, she makes great Punk Rock Baby Gear.

Make sure to not only follow us here but on Facebook as well. Most of our contests will be posted on Facebook as well as fun daily topics not posted in the blog. If the link to our FB page is not up on the blog right now, it will be up soon. If its not there and you just can't wait to follow us on FB you can search for the page, its under the same name "3 Moms and a Kitchen"

We hope you are all as excited as we are to start this journey together. Let the cooking and chit chatting begin.

Christy, Jessica, and Tanya

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