Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Careful, these are addictive, at least they are somewhat good for you as well.
The average sized pumpkin will yield 1-2 cups of seeds

What You Will Need:
At least 1 cup of Pumpkin seeds
For every 1 cup of pumpkin seeds you will need-
1 Tblsp melted butter
1 Tblsp Granulated Sugar
1 Tblsp Brown Sugar
1 teasp Cinnamon
1/4 teasp Nutmeg

Step 1: Prep the seeds-
Rinse seeds and remove all of the pulp
Allow seeds to sit and dry for at least 1 hour
Once seeds have dried out coat them in a large bowl with the melted butter
In a small bowl combine remaining ingredients (both sugars, cinnamon and nutmeg)
Pour sugary mixture into bowl with seeds and coat well.

Step 2: Toast Seeds-
Spread seeds out onto a foil lined baking sheet.  Spread out so they are not piled on top of each other.
Bake at 300 for 45-60 minutes flipping at least once. 
Sweet Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Seeds are done when they are nicely brown and crunchy to the taste.  Mine took 60 minutes

The Hubs does not care for pumpkin seeds and was so bummed last night when I made these.  The entire house smelled so yummy like a pumpkin pie baking and he was very sad when he discovered it was not a pie but just seeds.
The kids and I enjoy them though!
My 4 yr old says they are very yummy and my 2 yr old keeps rubbing her belly in circular motions while saying "mmm mmmm I love punkin seeds".


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