Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cheesy Garlic Pinwheels

The inspiration for these came from a dish my BFF Sheena made that involved cream cheese and chicken in rolls and traditional cinnamon rolls.  A sort of garlic and cheese version of cinnamon rolls.  I was planning pasta for dinner 1 night and really wanted some cheesy garlic bread. We were low on bread though so I racked my brain trying to figure out a creative way I could use my go to roll dough recipe to make garlic bread.  Just one more thing to add to the ever growing list of ways I can use 1 simple recipe.  You can also use the dough recipe I have or you can use your own bread dough recipe for these.

my circle(ish) shape
told you it was bad haha
What You Will Need:
All ingredients for the dough recipe-see link above
Garlic Powder
Garlic Salt
Shredded Parmesan Cheese
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Step 1: Prep Dough-
you definitely want to add more
cheese than this, otherwise they
are just garlic pinwheels
Make the dough according to the directions.  Allow for all mixing and first raising of the dough.

Step 2: Assemble Pinwheels-
Once dough is done in the mixer (or has been kneaded and raised 1 time if mixing by hand) dump dough out onto lightly floured counter.  Lightly knead dough so that it is not sticky.
Roll out into a large circle(ish) shape.  I am not the best at making circles, min are usually just oblong or more squarish in shape.  Its ok, they do not have to be perfect.
As you notice, I did not put any measurements above, this is all about taste so you can use as little or as much of each as you like.  I will add guesstimates here as to how much I use but I do not measure anything.
Melt about 1/2-1stick of butter in microwave.
Once melted stir in approximately 1 Tblsp garlic powder and 1 teasp garlic salt.
Brush about 1/2-3//4 of the butter mixture all over the top of the dough -reserve a small amount to brush on top after pinwheels are cut out.
Sprinkle 1/4-1/2 cup mozzarella and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese on top of dough.
I actually added less than this the first time I made them but decided they needed more butter and cheese so I added more the next time.  I have a tendency to not add enough seasoning and topping for fear o adding too much when I try new things haha.
Roll up dough starting and 1 end and rolling in until you have a log shape. 
Cut 1-1.5 inch pieces off of "log" and place on a baking sheet-I cut them thicker the first time, about 2" but they were a tad too thick.
Cover and allow to raise 2nd time, about 20 minutes.
rolling into "log"
cutting pinwheels out

Step 3: Bake Pinwheels-
Once pinwheels have risen 2nd time, brush tops with remainder of garlic butter.  Sprinkle with more cheese if desired (I only do more parmesan cheese on top)
Bake according to your doughs directions for baking as rolls.  If using the dough recipe I linked bake at 350 for 20-22 minutes.
Serve with your favorite pasta dish. 
Careful, these go fast!

They would go great with 1 of the lasagna recips from our 3 Takes on Lasagna post.


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