Friday, December 3, 2010

Fan Friday 12/03/2010

Today's Fan Friday is a craft submitted by Theresa Laity.  Theresa is a proud military wife and mommy to 1 adorable 3 yr old named Lindsey.

Here is her fun Christmas Craft idea:

Hand and Foot Print Reindeer

What you will need:
brown paint
red paint
red small pom pom
paint brush
paper plate to put paint on
baby wipes
construction paper
1. Put brown & red paint onto plate
2. Paint foot brown and place foot onto construction paper.
3. Wipe foot clean w/ baby wipe
4. Paint both hands red and place them above brown foot.
5. Wipe both hands with baby wipe.
6. Glue 2 eyes on top of brown foot.
7. Glue red pom pom on bottom of brown foot.
8. At the bottom of paper I add the child's name, year and age.
We do this every year and every year we see how big the feet and hands get. Its an easy project and cheap to do. Lots of fun. A bit messy but as long as you have baby wipes handy you are set
I must say as soon as I saw this idea I fell in love with it and I have already used it myself with my 4 kiddos. 
I did not have the pom poms or squiggly eyes so I cut noses out of red construction paper and colored eyes in using a black fine tip Sharpie.
Ii also used brown for the foot face and a pearlized gold paint for the antlers, you can use whatever colors you want/have for the antlers I imagine.  Just make sure its non-toxic paint and that you wipe off right away, before it dries.
I plan on lining the 4 pictures up (similar to the photo below) and taking a photo of them.  Uploading the photo onto the computer, use Paint to write "Merry Christmas from The Reed Family" on it.  Then upload this to a photo website like Winkflash and print out.  Winkflash usually has 6 cent pictures and free or 99 cent shipping on all orders.  For new customers they often have 50 free prints + 99 cent shipping.  This will make a cheap but cute and personal Christmas Card to hand out to all of our friends/family.
You could also buy inexpensive frames and frame these to give as gifts to special people in your child's life, such as grandparents.  I am going to frame the 4 originals and hang them up each yr at Christmas. 
I also made one on a small paper plate with our 6 month old.  I punched a hole in the top, threaded some ribbon through, tied in a knot and hung it on the tree as an ornament.  Use your imagination and see what you can do with this craft.
If you make one of these with your child(ren) take pics and upload them on our wall please.  We love it when you share with us!

Thank you Theresa for your submission to Fan Friday, you will receive 1 entry in our December contest, The winner will be picked Dec 27th.
If you would like to submit a recipe or craft idea for upcoming Fan Friday please email us at  Include step by step instructions on how to make your submission, at least 1 photo and a tiny bit about you for us to include.

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